To set any options for QuickScrap just click the “Prefs” button from the QuickScrap Control Panel window.
Here is the description of the check boxes:
• Icon at Start-up:
If checked, an icon will be displayed during startup.
• Sound on Success:
If checked, a special sound will beep every time data is sent successfully to a scrap file.
• Beep on error:
If checked, a beep will happen whenever there is an error (such as file full, disk full, not enough memory, etc.).
• Alert on error:
If checked, an alert will be displayed whenever there is an error.
• Maximum Items in QuickScrap File:
The QuickScrap File is a special file created by QuickScrap and placed in your System Folder when you first open the QuickScrap Control Panel. This file can be used as a sort of multiple clipboard by allowing you to keep a certain number of items in the file (10, 25, 50 or 100). You can select the radio button to determine how many items to allow in this file. When you send data to the QuickScrap file, the data will be appended to the end of the file. If the file already contains the maximum number of items, the first item is removed from the file before the new item is appended to the file. Scrap items take up hard disk space, so you may wish to set automatic limits on the number of items stored.
Special Applications:
You can create a list of applications that cause problems while using QuickScrap. If the application is completely QuickScrap unfriendly you can turn QuickScrap off in the application entirely by checking the "Turn Off QuickScrap in this application". Sometimes an application will have problems with certain aspects of QuickScrap such as the auto-copy, auto-paste, or clip conversion. If so, uncheck the appropriate check boxes depending on what problems you are having with the application (you'll have to experiment with applications to find what will work).
To add an application to the list, click the “Add” button, select the application and click the “Open” button. Check the appropriate check boxes for that application. To change options for an application already in the list, select the application in the list and click the “Edit” button. To remove an application from the list, select it with the mouse and click the “Delete” button.